Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post Irene

I can't help but to ponder after the storm about the classic behavior of human kind & I am reminded of the story of the ant & the grasshopper. As I began my grocery, gasoline, & ammunition shopping, I noticed countless people who gave me strange stares and said I was over reacting even though many around me were doing the same thing and also receiving the same stares and snickers. In the aftermath of the storm things went smoothly though interrupted for me. As I suspected did not go so well for those who did not take things serious. Some of my neighbors,  friends & associates started complaining about how there was no power during that time, their food was spoiling, thus they had no food available, & had no cellphone service for if they had an emergency. What else is there to say other than "I told you so" ? I saw a newspaper article about a sailboat caught in the storm trying to exit the region for safer waters to dock. My biggest question is why didn't they do this a week ago or just leave the boat? Another case of not taking things serious till its too late? I think so! So if you are a "paranoid preper" like me, don't fret, you have your act together. Everyone else will just have to keep making the same mistakes or learn to prepare themselves to avoid future mistakes........

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